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當(dāng)前位置:首頁   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  MEGATRON®中試型在線分散  >  新型在線均質(zhì)器  >  MT 5100 S2新型在線均質(zhì)器


簡要描述:MT 5100 S2新型在線均質(zhì)器, 帶CH電源線及APP軟件控制 (230V)

  • 更新日期:2018-11-21
  • 訪  問  量:1997



When testing and optimizing formulas, high process safety is paramount. This system enables processing of complex material systems with absolutely minimal loss of mass and minimal energy. This pilot plant format production system delivers efficent, replicable results like those of our Inline machines used in large volume production.


  • 功率


  • 流量

    up to approx. 65 l/min

  • 發(fā)生器

    Eight different rotor/stator variants, single-stage

  • 物料進(jìn)口

    Single-phase (standard version) / Multi-phase (with optional injector)

  • Inline product processing / Primarily used in recirculating operations

  • 工作腔

    Horizontal, single-stage arrangement / Working pressure up to 6 bar / Working temperature up to 90 °C / Quick coupling for easy disassembly / Single-acting mechanical seal with pressureless

  • 材質(zhì)

    High-quality 316L stainless steel / Product contact parts electropolished / Standard Ra ≤ 1.6 μm

  • 配件

    Standard & customized selection of recirculation systems

  • 電機(jī)

    1500 W wear-free high-frequency AC motor / Gearless direct drive / Continuous speed control / Completely enclosed in stainless steel

  • 速度范圍

    up to 21 000 rpm

  • 噪音等級

    < 62 dB(A) at 21 000 rpm (w/o load)

  • 電壓

    100 – 230 V ± 10 %, 50Hz / 60Hz

  • 相對濕度

    80 % in storage / 80 % during operation

  • 操作溫度

    0 – 40 °C

  • 防護(hù)等級 (DIN)

    IP 20

  • 尺寸

    324 x 255 x 322 mm

  • 重量

    21.2 kg

  • EMC 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

    IEC / EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-3

  • 安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

    IEC / EN 61010-2-51



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